It's January, its cold, bleak, uninspiring, somewhat deflating and full of food regret...not one of my favourite months of the year at all. So, when i received an email from Y spa inviting me to join them for a day of relaxation and pampering I can honestly say i was over the moon.
It's been a tough month moving into our new home and getting over an array of illnesses between myself and Sean so this treat was very welcomed.
So onto the big day, I had a few things running through my mind on the drive in:
- Excitement, I've never been to a day spa before
- shit - got to get in swimwear...in January
- I'm pasty...should of tanned darker
- I wonder if my tan will bubble off in the jacuzzi :/
- can't wait to eat all of the goodies
- Oh but wait, SWIMWEAR!!!
Yep, it was fair to say i was super unexcited about donning my pasty flesh in front of my new friends - not that i should have been as they are all so wonderful - but its a normal fear right?
Anyway - i have visited Whyboston lakes before for drinks and food and always loved the decor since the referb, its super luxurious and i could not wait to see what the spa had to offer.
We met the event organiser, Julie for brunch and my god what a spread they had put on...god who uses the word spread anymore?! The chef took the time to make sure everything was visually stunning and explained each dish to us. I can honestly say i have never tasted a better green smoothie -note to self..i must get that recipe!
After stuffing ourselves silly it was time to explore the facilities. We were given a tour and what struck me was just how much the spa had to offer and if I'm honest I don't think the website fully showcased how wonderful it actually is. I spent most of my time in the wonderful heated pool...then we went to dry off in the sauna which overlooks the pool. I never did get to use the sleep room which I regret as it looked soooo relaxing, i guess we were all too busy nattering and having fun to sleep.
I was then booked in to have a 30 minute Murad facial. I had a lovely therapist called Alice who explained to me that Murad was a results driven range and was very informative about the products she was using on me. I was so chuffed with the results, for only an express treatment my face was glowing after and I'm now left seriously considering buying some of the range to get those results at home.
I would love to say a huge thank you to Julie and yspa for having us - I had a blast and will definitely be returning - and next time ill be using the sleep room ;)
T xxx
T xxx