This post is inspired by a post i read on Saskia's was a post that included a picture of my passion....cup cakes! Yes i am a true desperate housewife (although not married lol) i loooove baking! I just love how happy cupcakes and birthday cakes make people feel..i challenge anyone not to smile when you receive a cake made especially for you! :)I have touched on this passion before in a previous post but Saskia's post reminded me to update some of the cakes I've made and help any of you guys if you fancy giving it a whirl! So I've included some piccys and some books which i think actually help and more importantly..they're achievable designs etc!
If you guys like this kind of pot or want any help then let me know as i will do some more posts on cakes i make..when i get the magical gift of time to bake lol :)
Also another quick passion of choc..not just any hot choc lakes raspberry hot chocolate! It is my favourite drink evvvvver..has anyone tried this? OK now for the bad many other great things is only available in the i need a favour can any kind blogger from the US support my habit and maybe send me some...obviously i will pay for the goods or if you'd prefer i can send some English delights...things are getting desperate people I'm on my last cup...see evidence below!!
Yes this post is high in go brush your teeth before bed girls!