Heros and villains comp! "Why so serious??"

So i am running out of time to do this on myself but i so, so wanted to enter..then i rememberd a few months ago i did a look of the Joker on my friend for my fancy dress party!

I was really happy with the results of this look...considering ive never done anything like this before and my friend has a real baby face (lol) i was shocked how good this looked on him:

For the night we sprayed his hair green too! I created this look using a product called rigid collodium...it goes on wet and then dries crating a scared look...i lined this on his forehead...along the lips to make the famous scars and a bit under the eyes to add age to the look!

Then literally all i used were white, red and black clown paints. I then used black eyeliner to deepen the colour of the eyes. To make the look look not so perfect white i then flicked the face with water..to create a sweaty,desheveled look!!

This look was great when put with the full costume and my friend kept licking his lips in the joker style tut tut lol!! xx


hi girls! Please support my new blog....http://xxcherrybloomxx.blogspot.com/ Im selling jewellery and any feeback would be soooooo welcome! cheers my dears xxxx

Treacle moon...

I'm a huge fan of Philosophy...the packaging, scents and the fact that the products actually work..however at nearly £20 a pop for a shower gel..its a bit steep!! Now i don't know how long treacle moon products have been at tescos but i only stumbled across them last month...all i can say is how naughty...they are almost identical to philosophy!!

Now naughty is always nice.....the price.....v cheap! The product range only has a few scents but wow they smell lush! If your a fan of coconut you'll love that one..super sweet! So i picked up the raspberry kiss shower gel and lemonade days scrub....I have used both and they smell great and leave a scent on your skin! All i can say is I'm converted..although i will miss my favourites..melon daiquiri and frozen lemon custard i just cannot justify spending sooooooo much when these little gems are soooo cheap!!

Have any of you guys tried treacle moon products?