
hi girls! Please support my new blog.... Im selling jewellery and any feeback would be soooooo welcome! cheers my dears xxxx


  1. Loving the new blog and the jewellery will definitely be buying some stuff on there come payday and the layout is very nicely done. I'm thinking of starting a blog but the worry is will anyone actually read it or follow. Anyway have you seen the new trailer for the Lovely Bones movie. It's one of my favorite books eventhough I'm 32. I actually yelped with excitement when I saw the trailer got an odd look from the hub but I'm used to that lol. Hope it does the book justice, directed by Peter Jackson which at first sounds a bit wierd but may actually work. Check it out.

  2. Oh what a lovely comment!! start a blog i will support it my dear!! i cant wait to see the time travellers wife too..i love the lovely bones that sounds fab x

  3. Thanks for replying. I always wonder if anyone would be remotely interested in my random thoughts and what I like and don't like. I'm not great at applying makeup so couldn't teach anyone anything. I'm mostly interested in movies and beauty products so would write about that, bit of an odd combination. A part of me also thinks I may be too old to start a blog at 32, most beauty bloggers seem to be in their 20s. Only thing is im not that great with computers, do you have to be a whiz to figure out all the layouts and where everything goes etc? I'm also going to see time travellers wife, trying to finish the book before I go see it as I always like to read the book before the film I'm wierd like that.Did you see the trailer for lovely bones, what did u think? I think it looks quite good I liked that young actress in Atonement. Btw payday is the 21st so will be buying from you on the 22nd if there's anything left, got my eye on some of the earrings they seem very fairly priced for how much work they must take. Oops now you're probably going to hike the prices up lol. Good luck with the venture who knows you could be the next Lola Rose x

  4. left you a really long message and it's disapeared don't know what's happened to it, will try again. thanks for responding and the mention about following a blog if I did one, never sure if people would actually be interested in my random thoughts and what i like or don't like. my passions are beauty products and movies seems like a bit of a wierd combination doesn't it. do you have to be a whiz to do a blog as I'm rubbish at computers how hard is it to do the layouts and links add photos etc. when you use images do you have to pay for the privilege. so many questions may have to see if they do the idiots guide to blogging at my local library lol. also i may be a bit too old to do a blog, it seems that most people who do remotely good blogs are in their 20s, at 32 I may be pushing it a bit. think this is my insecurities coming out, trying to convince myself of reasons why not to do it in case it's not great. btw payday is on the 21st so I will be buying somethings on the 22nd from you if there is anything left i've got my eye on some earrings. good luck with the venture who knows you may be the next Lola Rose :)

  5. but wouldnt being slightly older be an advantage..ud be something refreshing and diff..i say go for it any help you need email me i started off like you tooo lol x

  6. thanks for reading my insecurities sorry I posted the same thing twice, can't even reply properly how ever will I blog lol did u find it difficult to begin with all of the layout or are you quite good with computers where do i start with it all is what I guess what I'm asking how did you learn how to do it all? thanks for anwering my questions

  7. send me an email..then its easier to give u lots of advice xx
