Thank you to the beautiful Daniela for this tag :) Here goes....
1. One piece of advice you'd give to new bloggers
Enjoy it...that's why i did it when i first started in 2008 - there was no thought of money making, fame etc - it was purely a hobby and i loved it.
2. Where in the world would you like to visit most and why?
America - I've already visited it but i really do feel like i should have been born American. When I'm not there i crave and miss it- its a day to day problem!! other than that - Borneo, to play with the Orangutans would be pretty awesome too :)
3. Three of your favourite blogs and why?
Lily loves Lola - Victoria is a friend of mine - her blog is so honest and pretty. She shares my love of animals and America too :)
Daniela Scribbles - Also a real life friend of mine :) she only posts honest reviews which i value and she has a beautiful writing style :)
I Covet Thee - I think Alix is such an English rose...her photography is stunning and I'm envious of her life.
4. Which social media platform is your favourite and why?
Instagram - because I'm a photography whore.
5. Five people you'd invite to a dinner party, dead or alive.
Kim Kardashian - to stare, David Attenborough - the voice alone, Will-I-Am - hilarious, Honey Boo Boo - she would appreciate the food and Tom Hardy - no reason needed.
6. Which three products would you take on a desert island?
Mascara, Kerastase hair mask (endless supply) and red lipstick for when i need to feel fabulous!
7. Best instagram editing app?
Hmm this is tough as i dont really edit my photos much - i just use standard filters :/
8. What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
The free stuff!!! The community - i have met genuine friends through blogging. If i could go back to 2008/09 and have the community back to the way it was i would in a heartbeat - it was a lot more honest and genuine back then and oh so very small too!
9. Full on face or natural beauty?
I'm a fan of both, depending how i feel day to day- but if i had to choose id say full on face - i love the preened, finished look and it does make you feel better i think :)
10. Would you ever be a full-time blogger?
I would love to be, but again, because the blogging world has changed so much i don't feel good enough or capable to reach that level with so many other fantastic bloggers around! I do feel like the pond is very small now...its hard to come up with original content too :/
I really enjoyed that tag - please feel free to do this but id like to tag Lilyloveslola.
T xxx