Festive roundup..moving into 2014

Hello and a very happy new year to you all!

So the new year is a time for us to reflect on the last...and i must admit from previous posts I've read along with countless facebook status' its seems to have been a bit of a pants years for many :(.

For once i can hand on heart say that 2013 had been very good to me...its the first year ive met a genuine man who has treated me the way, i feel i deserved to be treated.  Trust me- after a long period of meeting nasty pasty's who treat you like dirt you begin to think nice men do not exist- and that can be a pretty lonely place (especially when all your chums have their Mr perfect)!

The end of 2013 also saw me bagging a new job....again something of which i thought would never happen.  I was very unhappy in my previous job- it was 9-5:30 Mon-Fri...most peoples ideal, but i was just not creatively inspired at all and spent all day sitting on my bum..which leads to weight gain and ultimately feeling downright crappy!

With a lack of personal confidence and the media constantly harping on about how hard it is to find a job in this day and age i have to say that my hopes of finding a new job were bleak.  I believe in fate however; and this i believe had a huge part to play in me getting my new job as store manager of a local New Look.
I have never worked in fashion before- but boy am i excited to have been given the chance.  You know, even though it was a substantial pay rise for me- the money was the last thing i got excited about when i was offered the job- i think this speaks volumes.

So on Monday i head down to Great Yarmouth for three weeks training.  Don't get me wrong I'm nervous, but extremely excited.  What i am going to do with myself for three weeks on my todd- i do not know! so if any of my lovely followers are from around that are and fancy adopting me temporarily do get in touch ;) the thought of dining alone at night does not excite me terribly :/

So yes, something a little different from my usual posts but I'm in a reflective mood and i don't really "share" much of myself with my blog - something of which i would like to do more of in 2014!

My countdown now begins..looking forward to my new career and most importantly, Disney Florida in May- wooooo!!

Hope 2014 brings you lots of happiness and i will leave you with some of my favourite December pics...

T xxx